Thursday, September 8, 2011

Crayon Art

I saw these on Etsy selling for what I thought was way too much, and being on a crafting kick lately I decided I could just make my own. So I went to Walmart (which I hate but it's my only option unless I want to make a road trip) and bought canvas and crayons. I got the flat canvas for this and Crayola crayons.

I used two packages of 24 crayons and 11 x 14 canvas. I removed all the brown, white, gray, and black. After I arranged all the colors like I wanted them I had space for one more crayon so I stuck a black in the middle. I just lined the crayons up with the bottom edge and hot glued them in place.

This is just over halfway done. I made sure all the crayons had Crayola facing up- just cause that's the way I liked it.

Here they are all glued in place.

The next step can get kind of messy, so I taped a trash bag to the wall and put the canvas on it propped up at an angle so the drips would run down the canvas and not just drip straight down onto the bag. I also propped it up with a can of green beans because it kept slipping. I turned my blow dryer on high to get the crayons hot then switched it to low so the melted wax just dripped instead of splattered. Just keep the heat on the crayons until it looks like you want it to. I would let sections cool then go back and melt it again.

Here is my finished crayon art.

I think I like it better displayed this way.

See the wax on the trash bag? Not much but you don't want that on your walls or floor!
This was a very easy project that cost very little to do.

* All these photos are straight from my phone, not from the "good" camera. No editing. Just posted.

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