Sunday, February 19, 2012

Trying out some new phone stuff

I have been looking for an Android app that is comparable to Instagram for iPhone. I have been messing around with Lightbox and Streamzoo. So far I think I like Streamzoo better. More editing options. I am also doing my very first blog post from my phone- so forgive me if there are any major spelling errors.

Here are a couple of pics I have edited with Streamzoo.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Valentines Day is next week and this year I decided to make homemade instead of doing store bought. I got my ideas from Pinterest so they are not original but here are my versions.

For this one, I just took a quick pic, changed it to black and white (I just liked it better that way), and added the text. After I got them printed I poked a hole on the top and bottom of his hand and stuck the lollipop in the holes. Inexpensive, personalized valentines.

For these I cut out four hearts per flower, punched a hole near the bottom, glued the hearts together to form the petals, and stuck a lollipop in the center. Easy peasy.
I found the instructions for these here: